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If You Want Consistent, Predictible and Fast Affiliate Commissions... Here's How To

Create Instant High Converting Bonus Pages That Bring In Endless Commissions WITHOUT The Tech Hassles And With Just a Few Clicks

A Good Bonus Page Is The Difference Between A Promotion That Makes Thousands a Day And a Promotion That Makes ZERO...

Dear friend,

If you’re looking to ramp up your affiliate sales and commissions...

... then you want to pay close attention to what's on this page because I discovered the “holy grail” of running successful affiliate promotions.

I’ve been running affiliate promotions since 2013 some have been successful, some ULTRA successful and some not successful at all.

I've compared the ultra successful promotions and the not so successful promotions and found that ALL the successfull promos had someting in common that made them super successful...

... and I'm going to show you what it is right here right now because...

When you know how to put together successful affiliate promotions, it fills up your bank account with money... get bragging rights by having your name on the leaderboards...

... you get to travel... eat in the nicest restaurants... set your own schedule...

... and overall you get to have a care-free /  worry free existence…


When I discovered what was the “thing” that makes all the difference I was FINALLY able to predictibly put together promotions like these:

New MLM Promotion Recruited 187 Members In Just 83 Days

In 83 Days I Grew a Team Of 187 People Total
And... Got on The Leaderboard Top 30 Out Of Tens Of Thousands Of Affiliates...

Brand new promotion with tens of thousands of active affiliates and using this secret I 187 enrolled in 83 days, literally without talking to a single person...

How? because I leveraged BONUSES

Here's another promotion...

102k In Just 2 Months

$41,207 + $60,850 = $102,057 In 60 Days... (Results Not Typical)

This is another promotion I did for a high-ticket $2,000 program...

Countless other affiliates promoting it...

... not a new program...

... totally saturated...

... but I came in, added some bonuses to my offer and BOOM!

Made $102,057 in total in exactly 60 days.

Bonuses flat out WORK... PERIOD.

Everybody LOVES Bonuses

When I first started online I had this anxious feeling inside like "who the heck is going to buy from me...?"

I'm not famous, or known, or have access to some "special" unknown affiliate programs no one else is promoting...

I had (and still do) only got access to the SAME programs everyone else has access to...

But as it turns out, you do not need to be famous, or known, or have access to some "special" programs

All you have to do is just add some extras to give your buyer a reason to buy FROM YOU.

When you don't have bonuses your visitor has no reason to buy from YOU, they can get the same thing from any other affiliate...

But if you add something extra to what you're promoting it CHANGES the entire offer and now NOBODY has access to the same "promotion" as you...

These bonuses could be anything that makes the offer better...

=> Like a special report

=> A video training series

=> A piece of software that automates something

=> A template of some sort...

=> A recommended traffic vendors list...

=> Something you build and let them use (like a page... or an email series)

=> A special coupon or voucher for this or another product...

Now you've got something that your buyer just can't get anywhere else and that makes them more likely to buy from YOU.

Because to get the bonuses you're offering, they have to buy through YOUR link.

But There Is a Problem...

You'll find out very quickly that when you use bonuses your sales QUICKLY go up.

This is obviously good news and a very good thing...

But before you get to that good part where your phone is blowing up with commissions notifications you'll need to put together this bonus offer page so you have some place where your visitor can go to see your offer...

This is the "bad news" because this is the problem...

These pages take FOREVER to build, (especially if you're not technical)

And that is exactly what I'm going to help you with on this page.


Watch This Demo Video To See How FAST You Can Put Together a High Converting Bonus Page...


These pages, while super easy to create and use are LOADED with features that work behind the scenes without you having to be a technical wizzard...

Check this out:

Tech Features

Source, SubID, Email, and First Name Passthrough

Easily pass and track the traffic source through your pages (it's already build in...)

Plus... easily pass the SubID through your pages too.

This feature makes it EASY if you're using a tracking system like ROI Panel to track your commissions all the way to the traffic source.

Bonus Library With 1-Click "Add a Bonus To Page" Feature

Add your bonus to the library ONCE and re-use it over and over and over again with just 1-click on all your pages

This is a HUGE time saver because the part that takes a long time to build a page is inserting these bonuses one by one...

The Better Bonus Page system solves that because you can add bonuses to your page with just 1 click (1 second to put your bonus on the page...)

Fully Hosted For You

The pages you create are fully hosted for you WITHOUT the need for you to download or upload anything to your own hosting service...

Heck... you don't even need a hosting service at all if you use these pages...

(Unlike other page builders or building these with pure code where you have to host them yourself...)

Once you create the page you get a simple link you can start using right away and start promoting immediately.

1-Click CLONE Bonus Page
(And 1-Click Clone Bonuses Too...)

Built an awesome bonus page but want QUICKLY make another one...?

That's EASY...

Just click the clone feature and you have a perfect clone of this page ready for you to use in under 1 second...

(This is super useful if you want to create multiple pages FAST that have slight variations...)

Or, if you want to set up a page for one of your team members to use (like as a bonus you give them...)

Mobile Optimized Bonus Pages

Over 55% of web traffic nowadays (in 2025) comes from mobile devices and these pages are optimized and designed to work flawlessly on mobile devices.

There is ZERO configuration needed on your part....

Any visitor who opens the page the system automatically detects their screen size and if they are on a mobile device it will serve them the mobile optimized version of your page.

Background Image Customization

With most templates you can customize the background image to your own image and create a completely new look and feel to the page.

You can easily use your own image to match the look and feel of the offer you are promoting.

This is as easy as just entering the URL of the image you want to use.

Pre-Designed (High Converting) Buttons

After YEARS of testing and going through many variations of buttons I found the best converting button designs on the planet and they are ALL available for you here inside the system with just 1 click.

Simply point and click to the button you want and you're all set.

Custom Buttons

Need your button to say something specific? you got it...

Instead of using the pre-designed buttons you can also create your own button with the EXACT wording you need.

PLUS you can easily customize the text color, background color and even the color when the visitor is hovering over the button before they click it.

Proof Bubbles Integration

One proven and tested method to increase conversions is to show proof on the page of previous visitors taking the action you want your visitor to take.

Proof Bubbles is a software that does this automatically and these pages fully integrate with Proof Bubbles right out of the box.

There's nothing to install or download or copy... all you need to do is just enter your Proof Bubbles campaign ID and the software takes care of the rest.

This is a HUGE time saver and a massive conversion booster.

1 Click Page Template Change

Made a page but want to test what it looks like with a different template...? EASY!

With the 1-click template change you can adjust the template your page is using in just 1 click...

If you love what you see, keep it, if you don't you can with just 1 click change back to the original template (or try another template...)

Sub 1 Second Load Time

NOBODY likes a slow website...

That's why I made these pages FAST INSANLY FAST

With speed testing done the average load times were between 282-768 milliseconds...

That's less than HALF a second...

This means no more visitors leaving your pages because its not loading "fast enough"



Start Here:

Pricing Options:


Here's What You Get:

  • Create Up To 3 Bonus Pages
  • Add up to 20 bonuses to the bonus library
  • Run Up To 1,000 Visitors To Your Pages Each Month
  • Lifetime Updates
  • 1 Year Support Included
  • Re-seller License Is Included, make 50% commissions ($997 Value)
(Early Adopter Special Pricing)
Lifetime Account, Pay Once, Use Forever...


Here's What You Get:

(Early Adopter Special Pricing)
Lifetime Account, Pay Once, Use Forever...


Here's What You Get:

(Early Adopter Special Pricing)
Lifetime Account, Pay Once, Use Forever...


As part of the special BETA I'm releasing now you can get in on a special LIFETIME account instead of the monthly price I'm planning on charging later.

Bonus pages are something you're going to use every day in your entire affiliate marketing career so when you act now and sign up you'll be getting access to a special deal where you get LIFETIME ACCESS.

For just a one-time payment (no monthly fees ever)

VALUE: $5,000


As a FOUNDER BETA member you also qualify for lifetime updates since the software is actually hosted by me...

This means any new future features, templates and enhancements to the system will automatically be INCLUDED for your account as well...

No need to download anything or pay any additional amounts...

You'll automatically qualify to receive these updates in your better bonus page system as soon as they are released...

VALUE: $5,000


By joining the Better Bonus Page system today as a member you'll also automatically get enrolled into the RE-SELLER program for the level you purchase.

In this program you'll get to earn 50% Commissions on each and every new account you refer... (or my marketing system, like Profits Passport sells FOR YOU)

The re-seller license is a LIFETIME program and there are no renewal fees, one time fees, or any additional fees whatsoever.

If you're using one of my marketing systems (like Profits Passport) I even take care of all the selling of the accounts for you to the traffic you're sending by including this as an income stream...

So it's complete, automatic, hands free commissions on your behalf...

NOTE: Levels are INCLUSIVE meaning if you come in at the PROFESSIONAL level, you automatically get the BEGINNER level re-seller license too!

So its best to come in at the BUSINESS LEVEL since you get the PROFESSIONAL and the BEGINNER level re-seller licenses too so you don't miss out on any commissions.

VALUE: $3,997

TOTAL VALUE: $14,000

Who Is This Software Perfect For ...?

Join Today Lifetime Pricing Expires Soon...

Start Here:


Here's What You Get:

(Early Adopter Special Pricing)
Lifetime Account, Pay Once, Use Forever...


Here's What You Get:

(Early Adopter Special Pricing)
Lifetime Account, Pay Once, Use Forever...


Here's What You Get:

(Early Adopter Special Pricing)
Lifetime Account, Pay Once, Use Forever...

See you inside the members area in a minute!


You won't find a deal like this for a LIFETIME bonus page software anywhere online, it doesn't exist...

And if you do find something, it's not going to be specialized for bonuses (just another page builder which takes forever to use...)

I know... I checked and that's why I created this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you...

Not only to be able to create high converting bonus pages in seconds , but also... be able to make hefty commissions on each account you sell while I do all the selling for you through my marketing system to your visitors...

Get started now before the official release so you don't miss out...


Most other solutions you find out there require you to be a technical GENIUS and/or will require you to have your own hosting, domain, and a bunch of other stuff you probably don't want to mess with...

This software is different, there is nothing to download, nothing to upload, no installation of any files required and you can start right now and have your first page ready in 20 seconds...

Without high converting bonus pages you promotions mediocare at best... but with a high converting bonus page you can create mega promotions that keep the sales rolling in daily...

Create your account right now and get your first bonus page up in just a few short moments.


There are no monthly fees, annual fees, or any kind of other fees to be able to use your pages once you have this system...

You got access to your account forever...

...and give your wallet a boost at the same time by having my marketing system promote this to your leads and help you get more sales and commissions by helping other online marketers too...

And yes, its 50% commissions on each account you sell or my system sells FOR YOU to the visitors you send.

So example, you own a BUSINESS level account, any business level account you sell or I sell for you you'll earn up to a $500 commission...

How many of those do you need to have a good week ... ?

Get started by clicking on the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: "Is EASY To Use...? I'm Not That Techincal..."

1000000000000% YES

This is designed with beginners in mind so there is nothing technical for you to do... its all "point and click" simple...

First you login...

You click on "Add New Bonus"

Then you click "Add New Bonus Page" and fill in the blanks

And your page is ready!

The entire page can be ready in under 10 minutes...

QUESTION: "Is there a money back guarantee...?"


In the highly unlikely event you would want a refund, you're 100% covered.

There is a full 30 day "no questions asked" money back guarantee

So if for any reason or even no reason at all... its not for you, contact my Support Desk and you'll get an instant refund.

QUESTION: "How Often Are Commission Paid For Referred Sales...?"

Commissions are paid on the 27th of each month for all the sales for the PREVIOUS month.

Example: on February 27th you'll get paid for all of your sales you made in January...

There is no minimum payment amount, whether you made 1 sale or 100, they all get paid on the 27th of the NEXT month.

Yes David...! I Want To Create Mega Successful Affiliate Campaigns Too!